Monday, October 8, 2007



Alicia Fitzgerald said...

This is pretty much the grossest thing I've ever kissy-kissy for you!!

DAD said...

Hey try to get some pictures of the city and OH yea maybe your diahrrea could be caused by a little raw duck embryo... you think..

uncle les said...

patrick,i just learned about your journey ,and think it is great. man, what an experience, and learning adventure. keep us posted, as we will you. best of and be safe.e-mail us when ever you can. uncle les, maryann, and kids

Magnolia Girl Stuck in the Middle of America said...

Pat that's gross! i dont like that face you're makin. You look like Jeremy Clark.

Alicia Fitzgerald said...

i swear that jeremy clark comment made me laugh out loud....she's right!!!!! weirdo!!